Selasa, 01 Juni 2010


Indonesian ads are funny. But they're not meant to be funny. Or are they?

Just came back from a lunch meeting in the Slipi area, and saw a bilboard for a dermatology clinic. It says "Bebaskan jerawatmu". I believe that translates as "Free your zits". Eh? Free your zits from what, your ugly mug? I didn't know zits needed saving.

I've seen some crazy Asian ads with nonsensical English (Korea and Japan, I'm looking at you!), but this one was in its native tongue, so there's really no excuse, is there. So I'm guessing whoever did the ad must be the same person who came up with Bond titles. It makes a good parlor game to decipher those Bond movie titles. "Tomorrow never dies"? Yeah, I'm convinced now.

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