Senin, 17 Mei 2010


Annoying Facebook status updates in no particular order:
1. "Inspiring" quotes. This just means you have nothing to say. So shut up.
2. What you had for lunch/dinner. Unless you're anorexic or on some weird diet so we can all laugh at you, there's really no need. Really.
3. Praying for something. I'm seriously considering opening a Facebook account for God so I can tell these mofos to fuck off.
4. Quotes from "holy" scriptures. If I wanted to read a bible/quran/torah/the book of Eli, I would switch off my computer & read one, 'mkay?
5. Mommyspeak, a.k.a "Mama tidur dulu ya, nak". Tell that to your kid directly, whydoncha. Unless you honestly think all your 1000+ contacts are your kids.
6. "Gile maceeet". For a more comprehensive & reliable traffic info, I prefer Radio Sonora.
7. Useless, minutiae drivel about your uneventful life, e.g. "Just finished bathing the kids". So? "Cuddle time with hubby". More like cuddle time with the Blackberry, eh?

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